New Chapter
Created by Nanette 17 years ago
Joe was born on October 19, 1984 in Riverside, CA. He spent his early youth in Riverside, where he attended Highland elementary school. He then lived in Okemos, Michigan for four years, where he was awarded the Midwest Talent Search, played soccer, and as a Jr. High student completed an Accelerated Mathematics Program at Michigan State University.
Joe returned to Riverside where he attended North High School, competing on the tennis team and completing the International Baccalaureate Program.
Joe graduated from UCLA in June of 2007 with a B.S. from the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. He was planning to continue on to veterinary school and recently had been working as a veterinary technician. Joe always had a special affinity for animals.
Joe loved traveling and spending time with friends. He had numerous interests and hobbies, including soccer, tennis, ping pong and hiking. His favorite sport was basketball and he played in UCLA intramural leagues, the Muslim Basketball League and closely followed the UCLA basketball team.
Joe died in an automobile accident on October 13, 2007, while returning from visiting his grandparents and his great grandmother.
Joe is survived by his mother, Nanette Pratini, and his father, Bryan Epperson, as well as four randparents, his great grandmother, his aunt and four uncles, three cousins, his brothers and sisters in the Muslim community and a great many close friends, all of whom miss him deeply.